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Check out these spotlights on St. Michael's Printshop and the cool things that happen here!


Jan. 17. 2017, BANL

Featured video by Business and Arts NL

Mar. 5. 2019, Tin Bird Productions

"This is a video that I shot in St. Michael's Printshop in St. John's, Newfoundland with local artist John McDonald. Here we see John's process of creating his Lithography print of heroine Ann Harvey."

Mar. 31. 2023, Atlantic Business, By Alexander Chafe 


"Founded as an artist-run printmaking studio, St. Michael’s Printshop in N.L. has hosted artists from across the globe over its nearly 50 years in operation. As the organization continues to support visual artists, milestone celebrations are soon to come."

April, 2024, Riddle Fence, Aley Waterman


The first of these three shows, gathering at the water’s edge, showcases an assemblage of work by twenty visiting artists from the printshop’s archive..."

May. 19. 2024, CBC News, Elizabeth Whitten


"St. Michael's Printshop has been leaving its mark — in more ways than one — on the art scene in Newfoundland and Labrador, celebrating 50 years through exhibitions and workshops."

Jan. 30 .2025, Feheley Fine Arts, Pat Feheley


"Watching the creation of this extraordinary print, At Home With Kenojuak (2024) was an extraordinary experience for us both."

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