Interested in signing up for a workshop? Learn more and follow the links to register below: Trash to Treasure: Tetra Pak Drypoint Printmaking with Abby Hann Date: July 8th
Location: Union House Arts, Port Union
Time: 1-4pm
Learn how to upcycle simple Tetra Paks (juice boxes and milk cartons) into beautiful, versatile printmaking plates. We will transform trash into prints using drypoint and other mark making techniques. Working with the layers of laminated beverage cartons, line, tone, and texture can be easily created. We will also explore shape and colour while printing our plates onto Japanese paper and non-traditional surfaces.
Mystery of Monotype with Anastasia Tiller Date: July 9th
Location: Union House Arts, Port Union
Time: 1-4pm
In the first part of the workshop Anastasia will do a short introduction to concepts of mono print and monotype followed by a demo on 3 examples:
1. How to create patterns on your plate to then transfer to your paper by rolling one or two colours onto a plate.
2. How to use a mixture of watercolours and soap to paint an abstract or a landscape and then print an image on to paper.
3. How to do a two step mono print with a stencil. (Stencils can be flat found objects, like leaves and flowers)
After the demo, participants will choose a technique and create their own image!
Print on Wheels: Live Printing Event with St. Michael's Printshop Date: July 10th Location: Union House Arts, Port Union Time: 1-4pm FREE A live printing pop-up event to introduce printmaking to those unfamiliar with it and a chance for printers to try out our mini press! Live Printing Pop-Ups are a drop-in event where participants choose a pre-carved block that they ink and run through the mobile press, creating a print they take home with them.