VIdeo Archive
Did you miss an event? Do you want to listen to an artist talk again? Do you want to do an online workshop? This collection of videos include an array of artist talks, workshops and more. Find out what has been happening at SMP, learn from some pretty spectacular artists/ arts workers and community members and check back for more content!
Catch up on some of the St. Michael's Printshop talks you may have missed out on!
The Panel will focus on how and why the artists use found surfaces as matrices in their work, and why they were drawn to the surfaces of wooden boats in Newfoundland. Jerome will speak to the craft and history of wooden boat building in NL. While the fishery and small wooden boats have long been a subject in local art, Charley and Sylvan chose to make prints directly from the source. These are not representations of boats, but a recording of a surface that reveals the texture of the wood, life of the boats and the hands that created them. The artists will talk about what drew them to the island, subject matter, and why it was important to take imprints, which serve as a kind of documentation of the boats. They will discuss why they chose to go to the source as a print matrix, why this is important to their practice and what it means to transform these surfaces into art through printmaking.
Trazando las Líneas / Tracing the Lines is a portfolio co-organized by Corinne Teed and Dr. Sandy Plácido, a historian of Puerto Rican social movements. The prints in this portfolio act as a testament to the survival, healing and rebuilding of Puerto Rican communities and connects to other communities surviving the devastations of climate change and global capitalism, recognizing the role that printmaking and graphic arts have played in struggles for autonomy and survival.
This portfolio was made in partnership with CEPA (Center for Embodied Pedagogy in Action) In Puerto Rico. CEPA’s mission is to decolonize in mind-body-spirit through a diverse array of healing practices and encounters grounded in community care, embodiment and reclamation of ancestral (afroindigenous) traditions. It’s part of a movement of people working to transform their relationships and everyday life centering the visionary leadership of Puerto Rican femmes, gender nonconforming, trans, and queer folx.
Join us online for a conversation about how the portfolio came together, about CEPA and their important work in PR, as well as from artists in the portfolio about their print and art practice. You will hear from the organizers of the portfolio Sandy Plácido and Corinne Teed, CEPA organizers Melissa Rosario and Lau Pat RA and artists Andrea Narno and Christeen Francis.
Learn printmaking from the comfort of your own home!
An online workshop focusing on the basics of linoleum relief printing. If you are planning to follow along with this workshop, here are some supplies you will need:
lino block
carving tools
a pencil
some ink
a spoon
a brayer
an inking surface
some paper
Looking back on some fun events at the shop!
Check out some footage of our Ink Fest Steamroller Printing event. Filled with printing and live music fun.